Saving lives of kittens and promoting laundry detergent at the same time, Kao's "Toroneko Challenge" brought together Japan's cat lovers through social media.
TAMA-KYU "Mahjong Tiles That Need to be Rid"
Bushiroad Creative / 2021
Saving lives of kittens and promoting laundry detergent at the same time, Kao's "Toroneko Challenge" brought together Japan's cat lovers through social media.
Planner : Kazuaki Kuribayashi / Saeri Natsuo / Sohta Ozawa / Takumi Matsuzaka Art Director : Natsumi Hosaka Business Producer : Emi Ishikawa / Kaz Tsujimoto Producer : Yuta Konno Production Manager : Ai Kamiyama / Nao Asada PR : Erica Ohara / Mai Sakamoto
2021.11 「62nd ACC TOKYO CREATIVITY AWARDS」ブランデッド・コミュニケーション部門 Dカテゴリー ファイナリスト選出